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Showing our creative side

By: Lakshmi N Kurnutala M.D., M.Sc.

In this newer section of the newsletter, we are "showing our creative side" as part of our wellness program. We encourage anesthesia faculty, CRNAs, residents, anesthesia technicians, and administrative staff to submit their artwork (paintings with descriptions), music interests (with narrative and photos), photography (with comments), poetry, or small narratives (less than one page).

We know that we have an excellent team to provide the best possible anesthesia care for patients in the state of Mississippi through UMMC. Anesthesia is our profession, but we want to share your passion for bringing a little joy and improving our wellness.

We are a great team as professionals, but our passion (art, music, dance, poetry, photography, etc.) sometimes needs to be more restrained/stopped because of our busy schedules. We want to show the world what we love other than providing the best patient care. As human beings, we don't need to give up one for another; balancing our professional and personal life is very important to improve our wellness.

Please continue to send your submissions to Dr. Sara Robertson or me. We look forward to getting many submissions from each of you!


Brandon I. Grayson, MD
Anesthesiology PGY-3/CA-2

My love of music runs in my family. My grandfather was an actor and musician, so he taught me to play the guitar at a young age. I am not classically trained in music, but I remember the hours spent together sitting on his couch strumming the guitar while he smoked his pipe. We talked and laughed about life and learned a little music along the way. Although I learned to play guitar purely for enjoyment and bonding time with my grandfather, my love of music has given me the opportunity to serve at my church through our youth worship band. My faith is the most important thing in my life. For me personally, midweek worship is the perfect opportunity to re-center and focus on what truly matters to me. I’m so thankful for a grandfather who cared enough to pass down this gift of music and thankful for those who encouraged me to use my gifts to give God glory!

I attached a photo of my grandfather and one of me as well.

Brandon Grayson  Grayson Father